Introduction to Culinary Skills | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This programme aims to prepare you to enter a catering vocational pathway and support progression into working in the catering industry or moving on to a Level 1 Catering course at our Taunton campus. You will study and work in our training kitchen and other parts of the College. You will have the opportunity to gain skills in working in a commercial style kitchen in a supportive environment preparing you for your next steps. You will learn the basic skills needed to be employed in the catering and hospitality industry or prepare you for the Level 1 Catering course. You will prepare food and meals for College staff within our internally well-known Red Apron Kitchen and Campus Cafes. During your studies, you will work towards your Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate and undertake work experience one day per week. You will also be assessed for English and maths and develop your skills to work towards qualifications in Functional Skills or GCSE. Alongside the focus on vocational skills, you will be supported to develop personal, social and employability skills.

Assessment Methods

Following an initial assessment to establish your starting point, you will set targets for all aspects of your development and be assessed throughout. Assessment is through a portfolio of evidence including photographs, practical and written assessments. Staff also observe you in lessons and on work experience (where appropriate). Your progress will be monitored using these personalised targets through a learner journey portfolio. If not already achieved, you will be entered into English and/or maths qualifications at the appropriate level, Functional Skills or GCSE. You will attend English and maths lessons every week and complete an exam at a suitable time of the year.

Progression Options

On completion of the programme, you could apply to a Level 1 Catering programme, seek employment or apply for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship in the catering industry

Course Summary

Course Title Introduction to Culinary Skills
Entry Requirements

You need enthusiasm, a positive attitude and commitment to learning about Catering and progressing into a Level 1 Catering course or employment in Catering. Entry is also subject to a
successful interview and completion of an initial assessment.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


We work in the Quantock Restaurant which offers a range of services from breakfast buffets to gourmet evenings. This means we’re able to practice our skills in a professional kitchen and front of house environment, and prepare ourselves for the industry.

Ruth Northcote-Brewer

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